I watched The New episode of Run's House (i'm a Fan) Yesterday and it was a sad episode to start off the season. if you remember last season "mommy" (Justine) was Pregnant, and yesterday's episode started off with her the day before, she gave birth. once she gave birth on September 19th they found out that the baby (Victoria Anne Simmons) was born with organs outside of her body and died later on. the family mourned through the episode and shared tears. (even bishop Bernard Jordan and his Wife showed up in the hospital) . at the end of the episode "Mommy" came home and after talking for a couple of minutes with the family and praying the oldest daughter talked about a dream she had were she was being yelled at (when she was suppossed to be waking up to take the kids to school) . then they talked about a dream Rev. had a while ago about dancing pancakes with cowboy boots and the laughter came back.
(great episode of emotional ups and down's) (whoooo's hoousse!! Run's House !!)
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